After School STEAM Clubs

Explore, experiment, design, problem solve and innovate!

2:35 to 4:00 in elementary school buildings

$250 per session

(3 sessions span the school year)

STEAM Clubs for 2024-2025 

West Jeff Elementary - Tuesdays

Elk Creek Elementary- Wednesdays 

Wilmot Elementary - Thursdays

Session 2 is in progress.

*Registration for Session 3 will open in February.  

Session 2: 

Operation Overpass

STEAMers will explore the fundamentals of construction and civil engineering by participating in a variety of construction challenges. Ultimately, STEAMers will construct a bridge that holds weight and test it to see which bridge holds the most.

Session 1:  STEAM Olympics & Operation Survival

West Jeff Elementary

Elk Creek Elementary

Wilmot Elementary

Session 1: STEAM Olympics & Survival Engineering

STEAM Club will open with 2 weeks of STEAM Olympics to explore the 5 components of STEAM.  After that we will learn about the engineering design process and basic survival skills in order to do some survival engineering.  STEAMers will build solutions to several survival challenges over the course of the next few weeks.

Session 3:  Operation Python

Students explored the basics of coding and robotics.

*This session has concluded.*

Session 2:  Operation Zap  

*This session has concluded*

Students explored electronics and circuitry.

Session 1:  Aerodynamics & Forces of Motion

(*This session has concluded.)

Students explored biomimicry, Newton's Laws, and the engineering design process.